Prometheus health, multiple label/value pairs, connection testing and more auth options
Bruce Cullen
Import Prometheus labels into the graph so I can use them for scoping, I also need support for multiple label/value pairs within a datastream to be able to see multiple labels for a single metric.
I want to be able to test my connection when setting up the Prometheus Datastream so I know I have everthing setup correctly before trying to use it.
I find the concept of object health super useful as it allows me to see at a glance whether there is anything requiring my attention. I would like datastreams to surface health from Prometheus based on whether the target is up
Finally I want to be able to connect using username/password rather than just API key as I have not got permissions to generate an API key but have creds.
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Jefferson Zanetti (jeffez)
Would be fantastic if we could push the Prometheus statistics to SquaredUp using the prometheus.yaml configuration:
username: [SquaredUp UserID]
password: [SquaredUp API Key]
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Bruce Cullen
Hi Jefferson, thanks for the feedback! I am from the product team, my team are actively working on Prometheus right now. I am very interested in hearing more about why this would be valuable to you and what you cant do with the current integration (where we pull metrics on demand from Prometheus). If you are willing to discuss further, please drop me a note:
Bruce Cullen