Monthly Update
Changelog - February Update
February was a big month for improvements! We introduced two powerful new data sources—
and PostgreSQL
. Dashboards got smarter with better timeframe handling, auto-scrolling to relevant tiles, and performance boosts. We also made significant enhancements across plugins, adding new data streams for Azure, GitHub, ServiceNow, and more.---
⭐️ New features
🔐 Snyk data source: The Snyk data source lets you monitor security issues and track vulnerabilities across projects.
🔍 PostgreSQL data source: The new PostgreSQL data source unlocks powerful querying and visualization, letting you dive into your database with ease and create dynamic dashboards!
✨ Other enhancements
- DashboardsThe dashboard timeframe chooser is now hidden when not relevant, e.g. all tiles have a fixed timeframe (SAAS-6776)
- DashboardsData stream responses are now compressed more effectively, offering better performance (SAAS-7238)
- DashboardsWhen drilling down to a tile (e.g. from a monitor or KPI), the tile is highlighted (SAAS-6845 / SAAS-6852)
- MapDefault view is now based on the workspace health, e.g. when the workspace is unhealthy, only the unhealthy dashboards/monitors are shown (SAAS-7255)
- Tile EditorNumerical values can now be auto inferred as dates (SAAS-7295)
🐞 Bug fixes
- Bar ChartThe first string column is now used as the X-Axis (rather than the Series) (SAAS-6871)
- Bar ChartY-Axis no longer shows duplicate ticks (SAAS-1715)
- DashboardsWhen combining data from multiple sources that includes a state column, the columns are now combined correctly (SAAS-7354)
- Tile EditorThe currently selected objects within a variable are now highlighted in the Objects tab correctly (SAAS-7324)
- Tile EditorThe default values for dependent fields on the Parameters tab are now set as expected (SAAS-7274)
- Tile EditorThe tile editor is no longer reset after selecting a preset data stream (SAAS-7289)
- Tile EditorIt's now possible to search for objects when using a saved collection (SAAS-7251)
🔌 Plugin improvements
- AzureNew App Registrations data stream (PLUG-3173)
- AzureNew Reservation Transactions (Cost) data stream (PLUG-3320)
- AzureIndexes are no longer creating unnecessary edges (PLUG-3502)
- Azure DevOpsNew Diagnostics Logs data stream (PLUG-3451)
- Azure DevOpsNew Agent Pools and Queues data stream (PLUG-3281)
- ElasticsearchCertificate errors can now be ignored during setup (PLUG-3156)
- GitHubNew Releases data stream (PLUG-2634)
- Azure DevOpsNew Dependabot Alerts data stream (PLUG-2970)
- GitHubCheck during import to identify upcoming token expiry (PLUG-2042)
- GitHubWorkflow Runs data stream does not return all the results (PLUG-3457)
- JiraReleases Overview data stream returns different data on refresh (PLUG-3013)
- ServiceNowNew Table Query data stream for ServiceNow supports configurable results and aggregation (PLUG-3121 / PLUG-2922)
- ServiceNowAdditional columns on the Change Requests data stream (PLUG-3105)
- ServiceNowImproved response paging and performance (PLUG-2900)
- ServiceNowSupports an API key for authentication (PLUG-3505)
- VMwareUpdates to out-of-the-box dashboards (PLUG-2910)
- ZendeskConfigurable columns on Zendesk Talk data stream (PLUG-3461)